thanks to Guy Oseary, Danny Strick and Ronnie Dashev for their
strong support. A stunning new album produced by John Ryan has
just been completed for early 2003 release. Mixers included
Chris Lord Alge, Dave Thoener and Tony Phillips. The album features
band members Fernando Raio from Brazil on bass, Erez Ginat from
Israel on drums, and Arnold Graham from San Diego on guitar.
A colorful and talented international support cast for Wil
David Campbell provided fantastic string arrangements. Early
response from the many friends at radio we made on our last
effort, make us feel we have a big one here. |
Kid and Cottage Grove Music have just married Wil with Warner
Chappell Music for the thoughtful exploitation of his wonderful
songs around the world. |
Kid and WSB continue their strong radio ties this summer with
a trio of big radio shows in Atlanta, Nashville, and DC. |
thanks to Kevin Daly, Fred Bohlander and Dan Weiner at Monterey...Leo
Rossi and JD for a great summer of shows. |
thanks to Marcie Allen at Mad Booking and Tod Elmore at Wiley
Promotions/Atlanta. |
sampler cd of the new music and WSB merchandise now available
New fans are welcome to join the Underground fan club at http://i-squad.net/wiley/WilSeabrook.html
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